Nina’s Appraisal to Love and Life


Nina appraises the ‘bad’ experiences she has had in her past relationships yet she is open to the possibility of love with Darius and even Wood.

Nina's primary appraisal reflected her processing her emotions of failed relationships, the potential benefit of new love with Darius, or the potential threat of ending things with Marvin (Nina's long-term boyfriend). Lazarus's appraisal, for example, clarifies the questions used to identify appraisals.

Nina's dating relationships and drive as a photographer were important to her self-esteem. Her reflection, or secondary appraisal, involved contemplating whether and how she might cope with the emotions associated with her rocky relationships and fluid career. Throughout the movie, Nina can be seen daydreaming with a serious and sad expression on her face. She's calculating potential benefits and potential threats. Her emotional status is constantly changing between work and love. Lazarus contends that emotions will follow when a personal motive is at stake.

Nina's emotional appraisal fluctuates within her career and life. She makes primary and secondary appraisals as the events unfold; her coping efforts consistently reflect passion in her work and her love life. As threats of disconnection or self-esteem appear, Nina also elicits passion in her actions and behavior.

In one scene of the movie, Nina and Josie (Nina's best friend) are having lunch while Nina discusses the potential threat of not telling Darius she is going to New York to finish some business. This business was getting closure on her relationship with Marvin. Not only is she going to get clarity on her relationship with Marvin, but she also has an interview to showcase her work.

Josie advises Nina to inform Darius about her plans, and based on his reaction, she tells Nina that if he freaks out, Darius is the man for her. If he is calm and cool about it, she should leave Darius. Of course, Darius was calm and cool when Nina told him.

Even before meeting Darius that day, Nina initially viewed this interaction as a negative experience. Lazarus' complex appraisals illustrate the potential threats to Nina's self-esteem, such as confronting uncertain and unspecific threats. Anxiety is the emotion associated with this type of appraisal.

Arnold's theory of appraisal assesses pleasantness: is this situation good or bad? Nina began to assess the reality of the event with her fallout with Darius. She considered how it might affect her well-being. I do not think she considered how this threat might affect her career. Photography was always there and a consistent part of her life.


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