An Introduction to Nina Mosley; Love Jones 1977


Nina Mosley, a photographer, has a recent breakup. The movie Love Jones is a cinematic love story between a photographer (Nina Mosley) and a poet (Darius Lovehall) in Chicago, Illinois. Nina is the deuteragonist (second character) and will be the character discussed in this blog. 

Nina is a passionate and evolving photographer aiming to progress in her career. Nina navigates the ebbs and flows of life through love and photography. The movie opens with Nina looking out the window of her and her ex-fiancee’s empty apartment on a rainy day. Her best friend Josie accompanies her in love and laughter throughout their friendship, even by sitting with Nina in silence. Nina attempts to close one chapter of her life while a new love awaits. She plays things cool but is guarded and wary of love. Throughout the movie, we see Nina evolve in her romantic relationships, career, and womanhood. She is reserved, but Nina has always known who she was. 

Over time, we will see how Nina’s motivation will shift through each season this film depicts—showcasing an urban, sophisticated young woman who desires to understand and be understood. 


  1. I don't know this movie, but it sounds like a great character to follow and analyze for motivation!


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